Monday, November 14, 2011

Re : Sats

This is a reply post to Damien's blog

He says that
when I entered high school all I really had in my mind was that Iwould go through the motion as I always did and then go to the college of mychoice.

With a brother like mine, I expected to be so much like him. Except, I was so far from it. I had such high expectations for myself. I expected high school to be a breeze without any effort being put into it. With that mindset, I think that's what got me into this pickle after all.

Not really caring for math, I just did it. I never memorized it, I just did it. I expected it to be easy, that I didn't even need to do the homework. And now? I'm like failing math. I don't understand much, all I do is sleep in class. And reality hit, that's why I decided to take the AP classes I'm now taking. It's still pretty hard. But i have the same mindset.

And as far as SAT's go. I never studied the first time. Reality slapped me again with a low ass SAT score. Sigh. I studied a little, and my higher attempts helped boost my ego. Even though I had higher hopes and higher scores in mind. Education now sucks. It's all paved for the smart and the wealthy. Whatever happened to all the common people? The average Joes who just want a good life? I hate it how happiness = money. To all those people who say money can't buy happyness? So wrong.

My fence

I am a person who is very aware of my surroundings. I am very aware of the people i surround myself with, but more importantly, I am very cautious about the people I let into my fence. People say they are quick to judge, but not as quick as me. I am like Mexico, everyone is guilty until proven innocent. Everyone is judged negatively by me, until proven innocent. I guess this sounds very cliche and pessimistic, but it’s true. I only have like 3 people, and my immediate family who is in my fence. The people i absolutely love and care about.

Along with a people fence, I also have an emotional fence. I’m the type of person who bottles everything up and then wait until it brims at the top. I know I have a very low tolerance for people. Honestly, can you blame me? Lots of people are annoying. I’d rather be realistic then pretend and lease people for their acceptance. If you like me, great, if you don’t, I'll judge and hate you from inside my fence.

I’m deathly quiet about personal matters. I don’t like talking about my personal life, and that’s something I keep within my fence and the people that are in my fence. There’s a certain group of people you say hi to in the hallways, hangout with for like lunch or at school, then there’s that group of friends you’d hangout with at either your house or their house. And for all those friends, in my inner circle, I cherish them so much. They receive most of my love and care.