Wednesday, October 19, 2011

CE : Mob scare.

Here's the link to the yahoo news post. It’s by the new york times too.

If an angry mob of people approached me, for no reason at all, of course i'd be scared. If i were wealthy, and an angry mob approached me because i had money, what would i do? The first thing i would do, get security guards.

that's what the elite wealthy in New York's lower Manhattan are doing right now. They are protecting themselves and their fortune by tuning up their security, getting 24/7 protection from body guards. All of this, is creating revenue for new york. It is said to increase by 40%. People were kidnapped, and the wealthy now want to protect their lives with their money. It takes money to have the type of security they have, but it seems that money is not the problem, and they care only to protect themselves.

but it isn't only a bodyguard to watch them. It's watching the for any points of weakness, like their children, or their vacation homes, if they have a routine that's easy to follow.

People were held at gunpoint, but apparently, their high tech security has saved them. i don’t think occupy *insert city name here* would do anything violent for their cause, whatever the actually solid statement that represents anything would be, but i think that by being a herd of people can scare intimidate.

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