Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Re : Drowning

I am pleased to know that firefighters went under training and are rescue swimmers now as well. They also have boats that can be used in shallow waters just in case a situation like this or a similar one does occur again. Also the police have acted upon this too, making changes on the problem that had occurred.

This is a reply post to Alison's post. It's about a 52 year old man who drowned in crown beach. I think that people should have been trained, regardless, before this event even happened. and to be honest, they should have already BEEN saving him. Why in the world would they just WATCH someone die? If anyone knew how to swim in the first place, why wouldn't and why couldn't they go out to save that person's life?

Is it not illegal to commit suicide? Then why let someone just go out into the open and die? Aren't law enforcement meant to stop someone from a crime? Or is alameda an exception to suicide. And although alison doesn’t want to argue who is right and who is wrong, i am not afraid to point fingers. Sure they aren’t as efficient as they should be, but who knows? are police getting faulty? San Francisco? Oakland? Is everything sketchy? Has anyone been watching any conspiracy movies lately?

and here's the link to alison's blog :

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