Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I stare up at the endless sky. The only part of my body that can feel free without holding pressure. Although sometimes it can be a strain. vision is the only place where i can be free. vision, such a vital sense that people disregard. the window of life, simply through two eyeballs. If hearing is lost, it is not as grave as vision. How are you to see things without your brain flipping the image, so that everything is projected through your retina and cornea? when you sleep, can you imagine that darkness throughout the bright daylight? How is it that you want to travel but see nothing? Feel the sun's heat, but see no sun?

vision is such an essential sense we have. Yet we take it so much for granted. We look closely at screens, we stare into the sun, and so other harmful things to our eyes. sure, when you lose a sense, the others heighten, but does that mean it is less important? No. You see so much through the eyes. And on a tangent, i think colored eyes are beautiful. Okay, they say that eyes are the windows to the soul. That you can smile with your eyes. That when someone tells a lie, you can see if they're lying or not through the eyes.

A simple stare can mean so much. There’s that awkward moment when you can just be sitting in class, staring off into space, and without realizing, you’re actually staring at someone, then they look at you. Then there are people who believe in love at first sight. Well, for all the believers out there, can you imagine a world where you can’t know who can be that soul mate, if you can’t see who that lover at the other end of the room is?

They say legally blind is around 6.50 for contact lenses right? It’s a scary thought being legally blind..

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