Thursday, October 13, 2011

CE Listeria.

Fruits and Vegetables are good for you right? You need to get your supple servings. but I do advise you watch you cantaloupe. That delicious orange melon? Yes. The only reason you should watch what you eat is because of Jensen Farm's outbreak in listerosis. It might be a contamination in either the water from animals, or contamination in the harvesting process. But beware. It takes about 2 months for the symptoms to even show up. Many people have died from this deadly melon already, and Jensen Farms, situated in Colorado, is facing many lawsuits. The CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)says listeria can cause fever, neck stiffness, confusion and vomiting. But especially keep an eye out for the elderly. Since they have weakened immune systems, listeria can take a heavier toll on their body. They say different amounts of intake and different amounts that the body can handle vary from person to person.

How is one to regulate this? Well, senate denied the proposition of having another modern health code conduct type of committee, due to funding, of course. Because when is funding never an issues? Anyways. Watch those melons. Personally I don’t like cantaloupes...So I know I’ll be safe. Honeydew is preferred. But that’s me going off into a tangent. There are antibiotics to treat listeria, but there are after effects. The body might be a lot weaker then usual.
Here’s the link for the article page.

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