Thursday, October 13, 2011

FREE Stress

Time is passing. I hear everyone stressing about college. About where they want to go and what they want to be. Honestly? I am tired of high school. I'm tired of the curriculum being forced down your throat. All these AP's that have the goal of reaching the AP tests, and somewhere in between education. I'm tired of the power we don't have in the school. Tired of people being fake. Tired of the spirit we don't have in our school. The fact that we cannot do whatever makes us happy. I'm tired of doing homework. I'm tired of not being the best. I'm tired of taking tests, and seeing the results. Of how imperfect grades mock and question my knowledge and my will. How so much of my grade, and my life, depends on the right here and the right now.

what is high school to me? A place where discipline is more significant then knowledge. Will teachers take the extra effort to help us learn? Some. Will teachers take the extra effort to mark us tardy? Do they care that if they mark it more then a certain time, we get detention? Course not. Does this happen in college? No. They don't care. You're on your own. So why does this matter now? What does being tardy have to matter? Why is doing one's homework counted towards points? Is it not our own responsibility? Why penalize students for what they're suppose to do? If they know they need to do their homework and not do it. Let them fail.

Let them fail.

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