Friday, September 23, 2011

(CE) La voile (the veil)

Since I am in a French class, we recently were assigned a homework assignment about our own opinions about Frances new law about the coverings of a women, though many are against burkas, I, although I don’t want anyone to take offense to this, am against burkas. I personally don’t agree with the fact when anyone covers their face fully. I like knowing who I see and identifying them in case anything ever happens. But I am not against wearing a hijab.

I think people can cover there hair, as long as we can see their face. People who wear hijab don’t directly correlate to people who wear hijabs. I can see why people would be for or against this new law. Yes, it covers there face, and yes, it is a sign of faith, but it also represents sexism. Mainly girls wears the veils, and in French, they call it a “voile,” and I strongly believe that the veil has a deeper meaning then just the scarf they wear to cover their hair. I believe that the scarf is a veil of culture. By wearing the veil, they also represent their culture. And I believe that France’s doing in this, the banning of the hijabs, and the banning of the open prayer, is a violation of their freedom in speech. And to add on that, it’s extremely hard to enforce these rules nationwide.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's true that being able to see peoples faces is reassuring, and much better than not seeing them. But I'd still have to disagree with you. It's their religion, and they should be able to practice it no matter what.
