Wednesday, September 21, 2011

(FREE) I fear...

Ever since I was a little kid, I always looked up to my brother. I always asked him about advice, I asked him about everything and anything. So I recall one day, we were on our way to MacDonald’s, evening was approaching and we were waiting in the car when my dad got food. He told me this creepy story about trees, and how monsters live in them. I much have some type of imagination, because I was staring at the tree bark, and my mind began to piece together some sort of face. I quickly turned away, and ever since then, although I know trees are good, I’ve been afraid of it. I get paranoid easily, and when I watch a scary movie, I am a pansy. Especially when its ghost related. When it’s something like a physiological thriller, I don’t even get phased. But it’s the ghost ones that haunt me. Ever since fifth grade, and my friends and I watched the grudge together, I’ve been afraid of my closet at night. And with my whimsical imagination, I begin to piece together images and shadows with the contrasting color of my clothes. It’s odd, the imagination I have. It seems to feel like fear, is the only time I can be creative. Which is the wrong time.

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