Wednesday, September 28, 2011

RE Humans Maximillian

I stole the idea to Blog from

What does separate humans from animals besides obvious physical features? We are biped,usually only have two nipples and a limited amount of hair.We, as humanity, are considered the most deadly animal alive. So what makes us any less human then most animals in the wild.

I believe that humans think they're on top of the food chain. I think that human's think they're above everyone and everything else. They have no real predator. They have to feel stronger and more powerful. Humans don't really consider their enviornment. They think they can do whatever they want to it. They can litter, they can abuse it, they can do whatever they want to do.

So what is the limit? When is too much enough? When can we stop abusing it? It's not that I will forever think of people as a big danger sign to nature, but I believe that this ignorance can be cured with education and compassion. Education about the harmful effects, and compassion to make a difference. I feel as if I am fairly educated, or why else would I try to write about it in a personal statement prompt? But I also feel compassion. But we obviously need to make a difference. Yet we don’t.

How are we different then animals? We are monsters, and we are far worse then animals.

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