Friday, September 9, 2011

Random rantings

Ever get that feeling where you just can't stop laughing? Well. It happened today, in government. We had to do a presentation about Jean-Jacques Rosseau. And even from the get go, we researched the wrong person. We looked up Henri Rousseau, who is an artist. Which is a fail. So we had to go up as a panel and ask our philosopher questions. Well, being in french 5, I wanted to do an impression as we asked him questions. Little witty things, such as "Do you believe zeee Hobbes was correct in his ideess?" And I wanted to call him "Monsieur Rousseau". But as I thought about how I wanted the tone to be when I would ask him, I started cracking up. And i just wouldn't stop. My BFF"s in the group started laughing too, but everyone else in the class just stared as us, as we tried to contain our excitement. But I couldn't even ask my question. I wanted to pee my pants. But The way it came out, it was like a pompous horrible English impersonator. I could barely speak, I needed to catch a breath of air, but I just couldn't stop. I wanted to ask in an accent the second time. but I knew if I tried again, then it would be the end of me. I'd give our whole group an "F" just because I wouldn't be able to stop. Even after we sat down, we still kept on giggling. It's the fact that you want to laugh, but you can't. And containing it, just adds fuel to the fire.

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