Friday, September 9, 2011

My "current" thoughts about 9/11

My 9/11 thoughts and theories.

This was written in class while I let my thoughts flow, but I feel like listening to Trevor's blog in class inspired me to write this. But this video isn't directly correlated, but I feel like it's related.

i think people are misinformed about reasons why america is stuck in the middle east. peoole dobt worry about their resources, where thy get their food oil or their clothes from. the govt did use 9/11 so they can go into the middle eastern countries because they think of them as a national threat to the united states, but only so they. can have control to monitor the oil. america cares about the richness in oil that the middle eaT has, then americans exploit them. they exploit hem fo their oil and slap a "terrorist" label on there to justify their reason for being there. america wouldnt stick around and spend time there if there wasnt a profit motive. america is hiding their panic because the world is running out of oil, and seeing how precious and lucrative the oil businssses are, america cant afford to lose that. espcially because of the environment we are in. 9/11 was a big scare, and i stronly believe in safety, so when hose people in 9/11 ignored the alarms and claimed it was false i can only imagine how they feel, how hey feel that tge blood os on their hands because they ignored An obvious sib of danger. peoples moral values are compromised and i believe that people should really think about their safety and well being more then their jobs and money. i also believe 9/11 was a wakeup call for americans to stop dancing i the spotlight. there are other countries iut there who arent as forunate, who are we to look down on hen and not offer much help, when people dont have clwan water, we waste it washing cars that run on limited resources. this was for america to get off our high horse and a sign for americans to humble themselves. wecant afford to ignore more signs the. we already have.

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